Protecting the Family Jewels

Protecting the Family Jewels

For those of you that have visited my studio, you may recall that I am quite sensitive to electrical emanations. You may have even been so kind as to tuck your wireless devices into my farady bag (thankĀ  you!). Out of regard for not only my wellness, but also yours, I would like to share some tips for maintaining a body friendly and biologically compatible environment. Taking measures to do so can improve sleep, fitness, mood, and yes, even virility & erotic stamina. You may or may not have noticed some of these devices placed around my condo, but they are always there, and they are definitely good things to know about. While we may need to use technology, that does not mean that we must always be at the behest of it’s harmful and unfiltered emanations. “High” tech is not the most evolved tech. Not yet.

I was a very hyperactive child; the kind that liked to bicycle, dance, jump out of trees, roller skate and do gymnastics to no end. As such, I incurred some nasty head injuries, which made me prone to getting headaches when close to wireless devices. So, I had to find solutions, and fortunately there are some.

I have used a number of technologies over the years for deterring the harmful input of cell phones, wifi and smart meters. Having used those products for years, I found it laughable when so many sellers tried to market things like shungite stone and e.m.f. pendants for deflecting the deathly rays of 5G. Fortunately, there has been one inventor and researcher by the name of Brandon Amalani, who has actually managed to design a series of devices that really do effect a buffer on this military grade tech now infiltrating modern wireless devices. There is no better antidote, in my experience, than the devices made by a company called BluShield. I know it may seem like since this tech has been put to market, that it is safe, but are cigarettes and alcohol safe? There are many, many things available to we consumers that are harmful to health. The trick is often strategic and informed usage. Conversation about the harmful effects of 5G is being largely suppressed; and yet, look around. How healthy is our society now, since it’s deployment in 2019? How tech addicted, screen addicted and out of shape is our society now? Do we need to implement some strategies to reduce it’s power over our minds, bodies, fertility & hormone balance?

I would say so, and one good place to start is by introducing biologically compatible (friendly, loving) frequencies into one’s personal, home and work space. That can be done by acquiring one or more of the devices available on the site linked below. The only way that I am able to tolerate maintaining my studio on the edge of downtown Chicago is because I keep 4 of Brandon’s fantastic inventions in my space. They help me stay relaxed, and I hope that you find the BluShield frequencies relaxing, too!