
Phone: (312) 870-0774

You are welcome to call my studio phone at any hour to leave an introduction via voicemail, or to request a massage. Asking if it’s a good time to call is never necessary; I will get back to you as soon as I can. I love the sound of the human voice, & priority is given to he who calls.


-Style Specific Contact Forms-

Scroll down to see the hyperlinks, my request forms may be easiest to load on the Chrome browser!

-Hours March 10th to April 10th –

Days: Mon through Sat

Incall Hours: 5/6pm until 10/11pm

Outcall Hours: similar to incall, with some daytime options

Please check back in June or July for updates on renewed incall hours for daytime; meanwhile, let’s aim for an evening rendezvous if you wish to meet at my place. For a same day massage, it’s best to give me enough notice so that I’ve time to prepare for you. To change or cancel, do let me know with at least 24 hours notice. Advance booking is happily accepted up to one month in advance!


My studio is near Printer’s Row (just to the south). Metered street parking is always easy to find. Further details will be shared once we agree on a time to meet. 

-Contact forms-

*the safari browser can be glitchy

*the form may take a minute or so to send

*please do NOT send two forms!

*an auto response will be sent to your inbox

* Book FBSM *

* Request Tantra *

*Ask 4 Tie & Tease *

* See Location Here *

Twitter X (no DMs): @dahl_savannah

 Thanks for your interest in my unique offerings. I look forward to your call. 

Work Phone: (312) 870-0774